

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


1. Ashley, me and Kimmy waiting in Pirates
2. On the carousel, can't spend a day away from the horses!
3. Me, waiting for Pirates
4. Kimmy, Ash, me and Katie
5. TIRED kids (me too) at the end of the day with our loot!

Today was Disney Day with the three teenagers: Kimmy, Ashley and Katie. I would be lying if I didn't tell you all that this was a very large part of the appeal of the trip. I love Disney maybe as much as Paris, certainly more than most places I've visited. We spent the day at the Magic Kingdom. First, we followed the staff to the staff parking but after that little mistake the day went great. We rode EVERYTHING on our list by 3:30PM: Space Mountain, Buzz Lightyear, Peter Pan, It's a Small World, Thunder Mountain, Splash Mountain, Pirates of the Caribbean, the Haunted House, the Carousel...whew...I think that's it? Then, we shopped. Then, we drove home exhausted! Back to the horse show tomorrow!

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