

Sunday, February 27, 2011

1. I thought it was appropriate to end the blog with the big truck that is taking Harry home.
2. Harry after his class, soooo mellow and happy.
3. My VERY tired horse show dog!
4. Sheryl's dog Stevie, also exhausted!
5. The show grounds this morning in the fog, it's really pretty.

Tonight is a bittersweet night. I feel like one more week would really have let me get in the jumper groove. The weather has been beautiful, it was a perfect break from the cloudy, cold, depressing Maryland winter. I'm ready to get home and get back to my "real life" but I truly miss my life when all I did was the horses. I don't think I could go back but after 10 days like I've just had it sure is tempting to run off and join the circus :)

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