

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Countdown: Three Weeks!

Harry, the lucky horse that he is, leaves for Florida on the 31st of January. I won't get down there until February 11th. I guess he'll have a tan by the time I get there! We are both headed to central Florida, to Ocala, to show at the HITS Winter Series. It's a big, national competition and I'm excited and nervous. I've shown all over the country but never done a hunter show of this caliber. Harry is excited too...mostly because he hates the cold.

In the three weeks he and I have left we have been doing lots of "homework": Counter canter, lead changes, lateral work and jumping. We are both "in training" 5 days a week and in addition to my riding I'm also biking 10 miles a day 5 days a week to stay fit. It's hard work for us both!

Harry is all packed for his adventure...me, not so much. It is daunting when I think about everything I need to remember!

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